Beware! Want to keep your money? Don't buy insurance policy from this fake IRDAI website
If you are looking to buy an insurance policy from the IRDAI website, you must know about that there is a fake version of the website that is looting people online. The authorized website of IRDAI is, however, the fake website - is selling insurance to the general public while this domain is not authorized by the Authority.
In the age of digitalization, growing dependence on the internet and convenience has led to the formation of certain fake websites to loot consumers. If you are looking to buy an insurance policy from the IRDAI website, you must know about that there is a fake version of the website that is looting people online. The authorized website of IRDAI is, however, the fake website - is selling insurance to the general public while this domain is not authorized by the Authority.
Max Bupa, an insurance provider, has warned its customers by sending them SMS to stay away from these online frauds. ''Important Alert! Beware of the fraud website of the Insurance regulatory body. The authorized website of IRDAI is Some miscreants are misleading people to a fake website address: Max Bupa has no association with, whatsoever. Please stay alert and access the correct information available on the internet. Issued in public interest by Max Bupa," the message reads.
In August this year, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) also issued a notice in public interest cautioning consumers about this fake website using the name of the authority to sell insurance products to prospective buyers.
The IRDAI notice said that a website using the domain name of is selling insurance to the general public while this domain is not authorized by the Authority.
This is an important consumer alert and an eye-opener for the people who buy insurance products online without verifying the authenticity of websites before transacting through them. IRDAI is the regulator of the insurance sector and it does not sell insurance of any nature and neither will it call any policyholder for any reason.
Attending these fraud calls or visiting fake websites can put your hard-earned money in danger. Therefore, avoid using or visiting such websites. In case of fraud or fake calls from anyone, inform your nearest police station or file a complaint with IRDAI at the earliest. Also do not provide your personal details to anyone, without any authentic verification.
03:55 PM IST